Sunday, July 21, 2013

The truths about my Internship

The end of my internship arrived and I was left with the question "what did I learn?" The biggest thing that I learned is that it is important to be competitive. Despite the fact that everyone in the newsroom is apart of the same team, the more competitive you are the better reporter you will be. Working in the Newsroom I also gave continuous thoughts to other jobs in Media.
This time last year, I was a member of the Political Science department because I was sure that I wanted to take the opportunity to be a lawyer. Years prior to that I wanted to be a doctor. I'm a firm believer in finding my niche in life and being a Mass Communications major is great for me. As a Mass Communications major, I am able to express my talents verbally and written on paper. This is the happiest that I have been in college and my internship helped me realize that this is something I want to do. At my internship I learned how to work the field (although I didnt film). I learned the importance of asking questions that will get detailed filled responses. What I really liked was the ability to meet different people. My internship gave me the advantage of seeing many things and meeting many great people that I will highly appreciate.
  I also learned about the behind the scenes efforts that it takes to great a successful show. If I decide against being an anchor or Reporter, the exploration of the Newsroom has opened a very large door of opportunity for me. This semester I will focus on becoming a better media personnel and I will look for jobs in some force of media. I highly recommend that everyone despite their fields of study, partake in an internship. It is a great way to experience life outside of the text book and will create a wonderful environment for education.

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