Saturday, June 22, 2013

My adventures in Journalism

So far I have learned that to be a good journalist you must be active. Not just physically but verbally. That may be what I struggle with the most. All my ideas I tend to write on a sheet of paper but I never share them aloud.
As a journalist you must overcome any shyness because everybody is the same and you cant be afraid of rejection. Even if your idea isn't accepted right away that doesn't mean that it will never be used. You have to be open-minded. Meaning you have to go where the stories go. A job as a reporter requires you to be about to frequently move. If you aren't willing to do so, especially as a young journalist, you could stunt the  growth of your career. Also you have to pay attention to detail. By simply observing things you can catch things that is helpful to your story. However, beware to many details can stop the audience's attention span. Most importantly, you have to be able to check facts for accuracy. No one wants to be misinformed.

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